Wysiwyg + CKEditor rajoute <p>&nbsp;</p> au début de mon body...

Portrait de Alex

Ceci corrige ce bug.

A implémenter dans un module custom.


* Implementation of hook_wysiwyg_editor_settings_alter()
function MYMODULE_wysiwyg_editor_settings_alter(&$settings, $context) {
if ($context['profile']-?>editor == 'ckeditor') {
// set various CKEditor option to address problem with extra p tags being added
$settings['enterMode'] = 2;
$settings['forceEnterMode'] = true;
$settings['shiftEnterMode'] = 1;
// Example of setting customConfig option. Just note it gets overridden by values in $settings.
//$settings['customConfig'] = 'path/to/my/config.js';